The Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development (AMD) Project conducted the fourth cluster-level Training Program dated 3rd July 2023 on “Present use of Active Substances by Farmers and EU Approved Active Substance” along with GAP to GINGER farmers under AMD Project at Rudhichua village (Cluster: 01) under Nandapur Block of Koraput District. Total of twenty-three (25) farmers have attended The target participants were from Rudhichua village under Nandapur Block.
During the training, the following major topics have discussed today, such as-
1. ‘Specific requirements of the European spice market
2. Current use of active substances by farmers vs EU-approved active substances,
3. How to access the EU pesticide database’ and followed by question & answer and feedback session.
4. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) of Ginger production.