
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

Project Partners

Political Partners

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of the Government of the Republic of India (MoA&FW) and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMEL) signed a Joint Declaration of Intent on 01 November 2019 in order to support a bilateral cooperation project on agricultural market development. The partner ministries provide guidance during the project implementation on strategic project direction and management in the framework of Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meetings.

Project Steering Committees

A Project Steering Committee (PSC) is established for strategic project management. The specific composition of the representatives of the Project Steering Committee is the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMEL) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of the Government of the Republic of India (MoA&FW).

Project Management Unit

The PMU is responsible for overall planning, coordination and monitoring of project activities. It will also assist with coordination of relevant national and state government organizations engaged with agriculture marketing and value chain systems to ensure effective implementation of project activities. Under the overall supervision of the Department of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare (DA&FW), the following associated institutions are involved in the implementation of the project. The AMD project is guided and supported in its implementation through the establishment of a Project Management Unit (PMU). Members of the PMU are representatives of DA&FW, other national organisations given below, long-term expert team of ADT & AFC in India.

Other operational partners

State level partners

German Consulting and Backstoppping Team

A Consortium of German consulting companies, namely ADT Project Consulting GmbH (lead) and AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH  have been contracted to implement the project. The core project team of ADT & AFC is located in Jaipur. The project team is supported by the headquarters offices of ADT & AFC in Bonn, Germany.

GFA Consulting Group GmbH (GFA) acts as the General Agent for the Bilateral Cooperation Programme of the BMEL. As the General Agent GFA supports project implementation with partner communications and liaison, operational guidance and advice, and monitoring and evaluation of the project.

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