
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

Import Training

Pilot State Odisha

General Information

The state of Odisha is endowed with abundant natural resources and rich biodiversity and is a predominant agrarian economy with majority of its population dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. 60% of the population is dependant on agriculture and allied activities. Odisha’s economy is consistently growing at a higher rate compared to the national growth. During the last seven years, the average growth of Odisha has remained about 8% compared to national average of about 6.9%. Based on its climatic conditions, soil types and crops, Odisha has been divided into ten agro-climatic zones.

In Odisha state gross state value added by economic activity from agriculture sector is INR 29.95 thousand crore at constant price (2011-12) in 2021 and INR 63.38 thousand crores at current price (2011-12) in 2020. During 2020-21 the value generated from export of major commodities in Odisha state is INR 444.38 crores which is increased by 95 % against INR 227.4 crores in previous year.

The major crops grown in the state include rice, pulses, oil seeds, jute, coconut and The major commodities contributed to boost export in 2020-21 are Non-Basmati Rice, Wheat, fresh vegetables, grapes, pulses, dairy products and maize respectively. The State has a total of 428 market yards/ sub-yards operating under 66 RMCs covering 55 Revenue Sub-Divisions of the State.

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