
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

National Conference held for sharing the findings and conclusions of AMD project baseline and diagnostic assessments at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

The Indo-German Cooperation on Agriculture Market Development (AMD) organized a one-day conference with the Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare (DA&FW), GoI on 2nd March 2023 to share the findings of the four completed studies under the Indo-German AMD project. The National Conference was organized under the chairpersonship of Dr Vijaya Lakshmi Nadendla, Joint Secretary (Marketing), DA&FW, GoI. Mr. Richard Moody, Team Leader of the Indo-German AMD project highlighted the objectives of the four commissioned studies under the project and presented specific market requirements of Spices, Mango, and Chilli for Indian Exports to Germany / EU Markets.

National Consultants of the AMD project Mr. Raghavender Singh, Mr. Alok Kumar Srivastava, and Mr. Sunil Kumar presented the findings of the value chain analysis studies report, APMCs diagnostic study, and export-oriented business plan of the farmer-producer organization engaged with ginger, turmeric, mango, green chili, cumin, and coriander cultivation from the pilot state of Odisha, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh to all the participants. The conference highlighted the requirement of develop and strengthen the infrastructure, institutional and capacity building needs as short-medium and long term interventions to strengthen the export-oriented value chain systems.

The Conference was attended by around 25 members from the DA&FW, GoI, Directorate of Agricultural Marketing and Foreign Trade, GoUP, Directorate of Marketing and Inspections (DMI) Regional offices, Directorate of Horticulture Government of Odisha, Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Board, Rajasthan, and representatives from Spices Board of India.



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