
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

State-Level Conference on Outcomes of The Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development Project Studies at Krishi Bhawan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

The Indo-German Agricultural Market Development (AMD) Cooperation Project hosted a one-day joint conference with the Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Odisha (GoO) on 17 February 2023 at Krishi Bhawan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Mr. Pratyush Ranjan Singh, Deputy Team Leader and agribusiness expert of Indo-German AMD project highlighted the objectives of the four commissioned studies under the project, and shared the findings of the European Union Market Regulations, and specifications for exports of ginger and turmeric. Mr. Raghavender Singh, National Consultant of the AMD project presented the findings of the value chain analysis studies report, APMCs diagnostic study, and export-oriented business plan of the farmer-producer organization engaged with ginger and turmeric cultivation to all the participants.

Mr Rohit Kumar Lenka, Director Horticulture, Government of Odisha recommend forming an working group so as to closely monitor the implementation of the strategic actions emerging from the study findings. He later, highlighted the importance of convergence of different government schemes with the proposed project activities and emerging actions of the studies. Mr. Sukant Kumar Subudhi, Joint Director-Horticulture, GoO highlighted the benefits of different government program related to the value chain development of ginger and turmeric and the promotion of export measures. The Conference was attended by around 25 members from Directorate of Horticulture, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection- Odisha offices, Regional Market Committees (RMCs), KASAM, and FPC representatives from Kandhamal and Koraput districts.


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