
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

Joint review meeting of Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development (AMD) project

Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development (AMD) project joint review meeting was held on 14th November, 2022 under the chairmanship of Secretary, DA&FW Shri. Manoj Ahuja.

Additional Secretary (Marketing), Dr. Abhilaksh Likhi, Joint Secretary (Marketing) Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi, and senior officials from DA&FW GoI along with Mrs. Johanna Scholz, Division 624 “International Projects, Twinning”, German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany and other German officials were present at the meeting at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. The Deputy Team Leader of the AMD project, Mr. Pratyush Ranjan Singh, presented an outline of the project design, detailed progress of the AMD project, and key strategical actions that the project endeavours to implement in the upcoming year.

Shri Manoj Ahuja, Secretary (DA&FW) suggested that the ongoing study commissioned under the project should focus on elaborating the complete export protocol of six project commodities (Cumin, Coriander, Mango, Chilli, Turmeric & Ginger) from the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Odisha as per the EU market standards and requirements.


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