
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, visited by Mr. Gajjan Singh Verma, Project Officer AMD Project

Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development (AMD) Project visited ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Meeting was scheduled with Dr. Sudarshan Maurya, Principal Scientist, Plant Pathology, IIVR, and Dr. Shubhadeep Roy, Senior Scientist. Mr Gajjan Singh Verma, Project Officer of the project led the discussions on export varieties selection, issue of MRLs and EU export standards for Chilli crop. The scientists suggested that for export, variety of green chili should be uniform like length, diameter, thickness in the cluster. Community awareness and training program for chili farmers has to be conducted on regular basis. Usage of pesticides that are approved in EU should be promoted to control insect, pest, and disease in Green Chili, MRL testing of green chili as well soil testing and irrigation water has to be conducted. Export oriented package of practice should be developed and validated by IIVR for Chilli that are in accordance with the EU standards.


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