
Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development

"Building sustainable partnerships"


Strategic Partners

Project Partners and Implementers India

Project Partner States India

Project Backstopping Partners Germany

Project Pilot States

Bilateral Cooperation

The Indo-German Cooperation on Agricultural Market Development between Germany and India is an instrument for the bi-national exchange on expertise, views and policies in the context of the transformation towards resilient, sustainable food systems. Our common aspirations are: to contribute to the achievement of the right to food, climate justice and an agricultural and food economy that creates food security and employment prospects. Both India and Germany have a strong agricultural sector integrated into global supply chains, diverse agricultural structures, an active civil society and high scientific expertise. The relevant actors in both countries are interested in deepening an open and objective dialogue, because the challenges of food and agricultural policy are increasingly being understood as regionally developed and globally interconnected and can only be addressed through cooperation and mutual understanding.

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